Welcome to Settrington Parish

Hello and thank you for visiting Settrington’s website, we have been ‘up and running’ for quite a while now, however this site is run solely by volunteers so please bear with us as it is still a learning curve !

The Parish Council regularly post updates on this site, you can find Agendas for forthcoming meetings, as well as Minutes of previous meetings listed.

Any items of news received by the PC that are of interest may also be posted on the homepage as “Latest News”, so please keep checking the site, as you never know when that ‘latest news’ is going to appear.

There are many more items that we are hoping to include on the site, and we hope you will appreciate that as this is all done on a voluntary basis, it will take a little time.

However, we intend to keep you up to date on events that are happening in the village, and hopefully this portal will act as a our new electronic ‘notice board’.

A hard copy of ‘The Settrington Village Welcome & Information Pack’ was distributed to all residents in 2017, however in future all the information contained therein is to be kept updated on this site, under the respective headings (Parish Council / Church / School etc).  There are many historical items that we would like to include, that have not been covered in the draft Village Design Statement (VDS), and that can include generations of families who have lived here so please feel free to offer any information you may have.

If you have any suggestions or information that you think should be included on the site, please contact us via the “Contact” form.


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