Settrington Village & District Interest Group

Meets on the 3rd. Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

The Interest Group was formed in 2013, following a general meeting where people decided it would be helpful for those new to the village and long standing residents to have a monthly meeting at a regular day and time with speakers who had a knowledge in some speciality, or maybe an outing of interest to the group.

We agreed that there should be a small Annual Fee to cover the costs of hiring the hall and for refreshments.

Now we regularly have about 25/30 attendees and have had many topics discussed and outings organised, which have created and informed those who attend. We provide refreshments followed by a speaker and the group is organised by a small Committee. We do not meet in August; however, we have in the past had a village BBQ in July and a Christmas meal in December.

Should you have any subject or person you know would be willing to come along to speak on a subject, or have not attended before, then please contact the Secretary or Chairman.

The programme is posted on the Village Notice Board, but does change from time to time.  Meeting dates and details are also posted on the Website Calendar.

(All enquiries should be directed to the Secretary please)

Committee members are:-

Jeremy Durant (Chairman) 768284  Email:

Anne-Marie Heuck (Secretary) 768594  Email:

June 2023