DRAFT Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall (YO17 8NR) after the Annual Meeting on Monday 13 May 2024

  1. Open Forum: Where residents can raise issues for Parish Council consideration; max 3 minutes per resident’s presentation; forum limited to 15 minutes.
  2. Apologies for Absence: None
    Cllr. Nick Bell (NB) [Chairman], Dean Wise (DW) [Deputy Chairman], Cllr. Cllr. Kevin Ashdown (KA), Cllr. Gervase Dawidek (GD), Cllr. Simon Flounders (SF), Cllr. John Harrison (JH), Cllr. Joanne Jackson (JJ), Cllr. Norman Lamb (NL), Cllr. Peter Smith (PS), Bruce Skinner (BS) [Clerk/RFO]
    Members of the Public: None
  3. Minutes of Previous Meetings: Those who were present at that meeting Unanimously Resolved to ‘take as read’ the Minutes of the EO Planning Meeting on 22 April 2024

Matters to be Discussed:

a) Finance:
       i)    Current financial situation: The Appended financial year end Finance Report
             had been presented by the RFO at the preceding Annual Meeting
b) Road Safety:
      i)     VAS: SF reported that the VAS equipment had been utilised in March on
             Back Lane as follows:
             a) With the illuminated sign facing into Back Lane, i.e. towards the school,
                 leaving the village the average speed was 32-33 mph
             b) With the sign facing North Grimston, i.e. entering the village, the average
                 speed was 29-30 mph.
             It was agreed that when the equipment is next utilised, in July, it will be
             sited on Forkers Lane near the 20mph signs, facing Scagglethorpe
      ii)    Other measures: NB will report at the next meeting regarding his
             research into whether:
             a) encouraging traffic police interest is likely to have a positive effect
             b) it would be possible to install a ‘gate’ near the Jubilee bench
                 on the beckside to discourage green-laners.
      iii)   Speed limit painted on road: It was proposed and Resolved to pursue the
             offer from NYCC Highways arranged by Cllr. Goodrick, by requesting ‘30’
             roundels to be painted on the roads at the three village entries, i.e. on
             Forkers Lane, Town Street and Back Lane, at a cost of £50 each.
             Proposed: PS         Seconded: GD          Votes: Unanimous
             In the event that the cost quote from Highways is significantly greater,
             Clerk will revert to councillors.
c) Village Estate Management:
      i)   Grass Cutting: PS reported that the first grass cutting of the season
           commenced on 7 May
           It was agreed that in future the verge between the school and the road
           bridge will not be cut until after 10 June                  
      ii)  Beck Management:
             a) Brick Bridge: The consensus was that the bank maintenance exercise has
                 been a success, in that the bridge is no longer acting as a brake and 
                 that beck flow has appreciably improved flow; possibly having now
                 drawn attention to restrictions immediately downstream of the road
             b) Reeds: The second spraying took place on 12 May.
                 Its effectiveness will be reviewed after some 4-5 weeks.
                 The meeting expressed its thanks to Dr. Featherstone for his ongoing
       iii)  Back Lane cherry trees: The tree surgeon has advised that now is the
             right time to prune them to facilitate access for tractor grass cutting.
             Pruning is intended to take place by the end of May.

      d) Quarry
            i)   Mineral Rights: The quarry operator is still attempting to discover who has
                 them for the ex Parish Pit                                
      e) Miscellaneous:
            i)   Website Designer/Host: After consideration of the presented three
                 options, it was Resolved to endorse Clerk’s recommended choice,
                 Parish Online Websites.
                 Proposed: SF    Seconded: GD          Votes: Unanimous
                 Members were invited to submit, and to invite others to submit
                 photographs of the parish, from which Chairman will select 2 or 3 to use 
                 on the new settringtonparishcouncil.gov.uk website                        
           ii)   Meetings venue: Future meetings will be held on Wednesdays in the
                 village hall
           iii)  New Road Hill: A request has been made for Glebe House stable block’s
                 gutter outfall to be rerouted so that the rainwater does not flow directly
                 onto the road
           iv)  Grass verge damage by heavy equipment: Road users are encouraged to
                 be respectful of verges
           v)   Mill pedestrian bridge: Has been successfully repainted
           vi)  Brick Bridge Social Gatherings:
                 – Late May Bank Holiday Monday: 27 May 5 p.m.
                 – Summer Bank Holiday Monday: 26 August 5 p.m. 

5.   Representation reports:

John Harrison– Neighbourhood Watch
Nick Bell– YLCA Branch Representative
– Quarry Liaison
Dean Wise– YLCA Branch Representative

Nothing to report

6.    Planning: No applications outstanding
7.    AOB: None
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.55 p.m.

Next Meeting: 10 July Ordinary Meeting at 7p.m.