DRAFT Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall at 7p.m. on Wednesday 12 July 2023

  1. Open Forum: No members of the public attended for this purpose
  2. Apologies for Absence: None
    Cllr. Nick Bell (NB) [Chairman], Cllr. Dean Wise (DW) [Vice Chairman], Cllr. Simon Flounders (SF), Cllr. John Harrison (JH), Cllr. N Lamb (NL), Cllr. Philip Marwood (PM), Cllr. Peter Smith (PS), Bruce Skinner (BS) [Clerk/RFO]
    Members of the Public: Mrs Jo Jackson
  3. Casual Vacancy/Co-option: The Chairman welcomed Messrs Kevin Ashdown (KA) and Gervase Dawidek (GD) as councillors, filling the two casual vacancy positions.
    KA and GD each signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and were given a copy of the PC’s Code of Conduct

    In his welcoming remarks the Chairman took the opportunity to remind the councillors of the principles which underpin our meetings, which are: Objectivity, mutual Respect and, where we do disagree, we disagree Agreeably.
  4. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Those who were present at that meeting Unanimously Resolved to ‘take as read’ the Minutes of the 31 May 2023 EO Planning Meeting
  5. Matters Discussed:
    a) Finance:
           i)   The Clerk/RFO, BS, summarised the financial situation as sound, with the
                following highlights:
              – Electricity bill £357; less than the £1450 anticipated in the budget
              – Street Lights Conversion cost £80; less than the £450 in the budget
              – Computer upgrade cost £235; less than the approved nominal £500
              – Grass cutting first cut cost £540; on a par with last year
              – A VAT reclaim of £1150         
    b) Road Safety:
           i)   VAS: SF advised that Settrington is scheduled to have the unit in August,
                sited on Back Lane, and again in December, sited at a location yet to be

     c) Village Estate Management:
            i)   Beck/Beckside: Wold Ecology’s Management Plan, with the Action Plan
                 from iv) below as an Appendix, is due to be issued in its final form
            ii)  Grass Cutting: PS advised that he is about to instruct the contractor, Rob
                 Witty, to do the second cut, of an anticipated three.
                 Chairman expressed the PC’s thanks to Mr Witty and to all of the
                 residents who assist in grass cutting for doing such a fine job
            iii)  Beck flow restrictions downstream: The willow tree in question is rooted in
                  the garden of Beck Cottage. NB will discuss the situation with the
                  resident, Mrs Anne Harrison
            iv)  Beck clearance: The outcome of the site meeting between
                  NB, BS and a representative of Wold Ecology regarding the state of the
                  overgrown and flow restricted Village Green stretch of the beck was
                  essentially that:
                  a) the reeds should be sprayed with the appropriate ‘Roundup’-type weed
                      killer and that
                  b) Prior to discussing implementation at the next PC meeting, EA advice
                      should be sought regarding how to remove the encroached
                      banks, both upstream and downstream of the brick bridge, in order to
                      open-up the outer arches to flow
                  After discussion, it was Resolved to spray the reeds and re-encroaching
                  beck side butterbur:
                  Proposed: PS   Seconded: GD          Votes: Unanimous
                  In the meantime, NB will discuss with the landowner the suggestion that
                  the reeds may be seeded from flow from the upstream Settrington House
                  lake or Kirkhill pond
            v)   Stones on beckside grass verges: It was Unanimously Resolved that   
                  vehicle ‘dissuading’ stones should not be placed on village green grass
                  verges, and that the existing ones should be removed and replaced with
                  appropriately positioned wooden poles                   
            vi)  Trees: It was agreed that the tree specialist should be requested to treat
                   the willow sapling stumps to the south of the concrete pedestrian bridge
                   with ‘stump killer’
            vii)  Beckside Access: NYCC Highways have been asked to advise on the
                   placement of a pole(s) to restrict vehicular access to the west side of
                   beckside beyond the north ford
        d) Miscellaneous:
             i)    Quarry: the Quarterly status update has been circulated to cllrs and
                   posted on the noticeboard and website. The Chairman expressed his
                   pleasure at the significantly improved communications with the quarry
                   operator, Fenstone, and his hope that this would continue
             ii)   Welcome Packs: Cllrs were reminded that the single page Summary
                   version of the Pack is intended to be a prompt for cllrs to introduce the
                   PC and themselves to newly arrived residents.
                   Cllrs were encouraged to read both versions of the Pack (summary and
                   complete [from the website]) and advise the Clerk of necessary
             iii)   Village Hall Play Area: It was agreed that the PC should respond to the
                    Village Hall Committee’s questionnaire that the PC considers the play
                    area an essential village amenity and that it is prepared to consider
                    making provision for contributing towards its upkeep in future precept
 6.   Representation reports:

John HarrisonNeighbourhood Watch
Nick BellYLCA Branch Representative
Quarry Liaison
Dean WiseYLCA Branch Representative
VacantNYCC & Parish Liaison Meeting

        NW:       It was agreed that JH should purchase a ‘NW Area’ sign to replace the
                     faded one on Forkers Lane
        YLCA:   DW intends to attend the next meeting
        Quarry: See above 5 d) i)
        NYCC:  It was agreed that this role would be replaced by the Clerk circulating
                     with the Weekly Update the Minutes of the Liaison meetings on receipt

      7.    Planning:

              i)  Application 21/01510/LBC, 36 Beckside: Georgian windows: EW
              responded that the windows ‘are suitable in this context given the history of
              the site’
              ii) Application 23/00307/CAT, PC’s Application for Lime & Alder trees’ epicormic growth and willow saplings removal: Completed
iii) Application 22/0139/FUL, Rectory Farm: Approved
              iv) Notice of tree felling at #36 Beckside, ZE23/00433/CAT: Completed              

v)  Application ZE23/00450/HOUSE: Erection of a garden shed/store
              (retrospective application) at Beck Cottage, Forkers Lane: Approved
              vi) Notice of tree felling at #40 Back Lane E23/00461/CAT: Fell 9 no.
              Leylandii to the rear and side of the property: Completed
8. i) It was agreed that residents should be reminded, by these Minutes, that
               the ‘dog poo’ bins should be used only for their intended purpose
               ii) NB will discuss with the Chair of the Trustees of the village school the
               PC’s ongoing support of initiatives to address the school’s vulnerability to
               traffic hazards
               iii) It was agreed that the Clerk would approach street lights contractor
               Acorn regarding the feasibility of shrouding the LED street light near the
               brick bridge, and proceed accordingly       
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.17 p.m.

Next Meeting: 13 September Ordinary Meeting at 7p.m. in the Village Hall