DRAFT Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall after the 7p.m. Annual Meeting on Wednesday 10 May 2023

  1. Open Forum: No members of the public attended
  2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. N Lamb (NL)

Present: Cllr. Nick Bell (NB) [Chairman], Cllr. Tom Allison (TA), Cllr. Simon Flounders (SF), Cllr. John Harrison (JH), Cllr. Philip Marwood (PM), Cllr. Ruth Russell RR), Cllr. Peter Smith (PS), Cllr. Dean Wise (DW), Bruce Skinner (BS) [Clerk/RFO]

Members of the Public: None

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Those who were present at that meeting Unanimously Resolved to ‘take as read’ the Minutes of the 10 March 2023 Ordinary Meeting  

4. Matters Discussed:

a) Finance:

     i)   The accounts had been distributed to cllrs. prior to the foregoing Annual Meeting with the following introductory explanation and summary:

– Street lights LED replacement (of 13 lights) Grant funded: Cost PC £80

– Internet banking now set up

– Ring-fenced ‘Just Giving’ funds re grass cutting: £504

– Ring-fenced funds re ecology study: £624 remaining (of £1500 donation)

– Ring-fenced funds for PC computer/printer equipment ‘maintenance’: £114

– Street lighting electricity bill: Awaited

– VAT reclaim of £1,153: Awaited

In summary:

– Bank balance: ~ £8140, including 50% of 2023/4 Precept.

– Skipton savings accounts: total £4844      

b) Road Safety:

      i)     Vehicle Activated Speed sign: SF presented the previously circulated downloaded data for March & April. Average ~ 32 mph; Max ~55 mph. In future Settrington will have the unit for two separate months a year.

It was concluded that there is merit in having the facility.

It was decided that, after one more comparative session at the south end of Back Lane, the unit will be sited in the 20 mph zone for the subsequent two sessions              

c) Village Estate Management:
      i)    Beck/Beckside: Wold Ecology’s Management Plan: This draft document had been received too late for assimilation/comment.
            NB will stimulate further comments by circulating his in an e-mail to cllrs.                   
      ii)   Grass Cutting Contract: Was awarded to Mr R Witty on 17 April
      iii)  Wild flowers planting: NB briefed the meeting on the school children’s seeds planting event and explained the circumstances of the siting of the school’s ‘bug hotel’ on the beckside.
            The meeting retrospectively approved the expenditure of £280 for the seeds.
            It was unanimously agreed that in future decisions regarding PC involvement in such projects/activities should be the subject of prior approval.
      iv)  Beck flow restrictions: The images circulated by RR were discussed; it was agreed that:
            – Willow tree: Clarification of location, responsibility, necessary remedial action, etc. is required before deciding whether any action is required
            – Further-downstream circumstances are unlikely to affect the village’s flood risk      
d) Miscellaneous:
       i)   Quarry: BS/NB’s Notes and Fenstone’s Minutes of the 22 March virtual meeting of the Quarry Liaison Committee had been circulated to members prior to the meeting. NB summarised his, largely favourable,
            impression of the meeting and of Fenstone’s intentions.
            It was agreed that, during the current period of intense activity, the committee should meet quarterly, and thereafter semi-annually
       ii)  Coronation beacon: RR and NL (the latter in absentia) were thanked for their efforts in arranging this demonstrably successful and enjoyable event attended by some 80 people. Proceeds from the voluntary collection
            will benefit the Air Ambulance and Malton Lions
            iii) Ordnance Survey membership: The proposal for PC to join OS for detailed map download purposes (some £29/year) was Unanimously agreed
       iv) PC Computer: It was Unanimously agreed that, if necessary, Clerk should procure a replacement locally for ~ £500 (net of VAT; inclusive of installation)

5.   Representation reports:

John HarrisonNeighbourhood Watch
Nick BellYLCA Branch Representative
Dean WiseYLCA Branch Representative
Nick BellQuarry Liaison
Ruth RussellNYCC & Parish Liaison Meeting

NW:      It was Unanimously agreed that JH should spend some £30 on
             replacing the NW sign at the ‘Scagglethorpe’ entrance to the village
YLCA:   Nothing to report
Quarry: See d) i) above
NYCC:  Awaiting minutes of meetings

6.   Planning:

       i)     Application 21/01510/LBC, 36 Beckside: Georgian windows: No update from EW – Later: EW  responded on 11 May that the windows ‘are suitable in this context given the history of the site’
       ii)    Application 23/00050/CAT, Trim Chapel Road Lime tree: Approved trimming of epicormic growth to 4m
       iii) Application 23/00255/LBC, Replacement windows at 10 Town Street; Responded with ‘No observations’

iv) Application 21/00564FUL, Garage conversion Brambling Fields: Approved

v) Application 23/00307/CAT, PC’s Application for Lime & Alder trees epicormic growth and willow saplings removal: Approval awaited

vi) Application 23/00281/FUL, 4 Bedroom house at Sparrow Hall Farm: After discussion it was agreed that the PC has ‘No observations’ to make regarding this Application and that Clerk should advise NYCC Planning accordingly

7. AOB

i) The amended Planning Application for Rectory Farm, 22/01389/FUL received too late for inclusion in the agenda, was discussed
      ii)    The Notice of tree felling at #36 Beckside, ZE23/00433/CAT, received too late for inclusion in the agenda, was discussed
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.20 p.m.

Next Meeting: 12 July Ordinary Meeting at 7p.m. in the Village Hall

Signed: ……………………………….  Date: …………………………