DRAFT Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall (YO17 8NR) at 7p.m. on Wednesday 8 November 2023

  1. Open Forum: Mr Alan Mitchell reminded members of the apparent instances of vandalism against his property and adjacent areas of the village green on beckside.
  2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr. Dean Wise (DW) [Deputy Chairman]Present: Cllr. Nick Bell (NB) [Chairman], Cllr. Kevin Ashwood (KA), Cllr. Gervase Dawidek (GD), Cllr. Simon Flounders (SF), Cllr. John Harrison (JH), Cllr. Norman Lamb (NL), Cllr. Philip Marwood (PM), Cllr. Peter Smith (PS), Bruce Skinner (BS) [Clerk/RFO]
    Members of the Public: Mr Alan Mitchell, Dr Harry Featherstone Members participating Unanimously Resolved that the Council approved DW’s reason (medical) for his absence from the meeting.
  3. Minutes of Previous Meetings: Those who were present at the meeting Unanimously Resolved to ‘take as read’ the Minutes of the 14 September Ordinary Meeting  
  4. Matters Discussed:
    a) Finance

           i)    Current financial situation: Clerk/RFO referred members to an annotated
                 version the attached budget tabulation which had been circulated in
                 advance of the meeting, and advised that the current account balance is
                 some £8700.
                 In that light:
                 – It was Resolved that the net, ring-fenced ‘Just Giving’ sum of £504
                 should be offered (pro rata), with thanks, back to the donors
                 Proposed: NB  Seconded: SF  Votes: Unanimous
                 – It was Resolved that, given the likely underspend with Wold Ecology
                 £500 of her generous original donation of £1500 should be returned, with
                 thanks, to ex Cllr. Sue Blagden
                 Proposed: NB   Seconded: KA  Votes: Unanimous         
           ii)   2024/25 Budget/Precept: After discussion, the Meeting Resolved to
                 – the Draft Budget attached as the 2024/25 Budget, and
                 – the consequent Precept proposal of £6700(an increase of 6.35%)
    Proposed: PS   Seconded: NL   Votes: Unanimousb) Road Safety:
           i)    VAS: SF will comment on the August/September experience at the
                 January meeting as the data has not yet been provided
          ii)    PS agreed to approach NYCC Highways again regarding their
                 ‘reluctance’ to paint the speed limit on the road surface at the entrances
                 to the village, as apparently is done at other villages

     c) Village Estate Management
            i)     Grass Cutting: PS reported that Cut 3, the last of the season, will
                   hopefully be completed without significantly exceeding the remaining
                   budget of £420.
                   Members endorsed the Chairman’s expressed thanks to contractor Rob
                   Witty for his efforts and to NL, SF and the many others who have
                   contributed their efforts in keeping the beckside and verges mown.
                   It was agreed that a notice should be placed on the noticeboard for 4
                   weeks requesting volunteers to rake, gather and lead-away the cuttings
                   from the annually-cut area below gardens #23-#27 Beckside – with PS
                   being the focal point for volunteering offers
            ii)    Grass Cutting Plan: It was agreed to postpone the Annual Review of
                   progress against the Plan until the January 2024 Meeting
            iii)   Beck flow restrictions downstream of road bridge: After discussion, in
                   particular after the recent incidents of the beck having been in spate,
                   members agreed that these apparent restrictions are of no particular
            iv)   Beck clearance:
                   – EA have accepted the proposal to spray endemic reeds presented on
                     the PC’s behalf by Dr Featherstone; reed spraying will thus be carried
                     out as required in 2024
                   – EA have ‘withdrawn’ PC’s ‘Exempt flood risk activities’ applications
                     regarding clearing silt from the blocked arch of the brick bridge and the
                     banks up and downstream of it, on the basis that those Exemptions
                     apply only to ‘main rivers’. They  refer us instead to NYCC and/or
                     the Internal Drainage Board, who deal with ‘ordinary watercourses’.
                     When contacted on this matter, a representative of NYCC advised that
                     they refer such issues to EA.
                     Yorkshire and Humber Drainage Boards advised that this stretch of
                     Settrington Beck is beyond their area of authority, but had it been their   
                     responsibility such clearance would be considered a routine
                     maintenance matter. In discussion, their representative endorsed the
                     following proposal:
                     On the basis of the foregoing, it was Resolved to clear the silt, etc. as
                     described above by mechanical means, applying the conditions which
                     would apply to a ‘main river’.
                     Proposed: NB   Seconded: PM   Votes: Unanimous
                     To that end, it was agreed to request Wold Ecology to visit the site in
                     advance of the works to confirm that ‘the removal and subsequent
                     deposit of material will not have a significant adverse effect on
                     protected and priority species of importance for nature conservation’

             v)   Restricting access to Beckside pavement and replacement of verge
                   stones: NL has kindly installed a prominent, reflective bollard near the
                   north ford, and wooden poles to replace the protective stones on the
                   Ford Lane verge 
      d) Miscellaneous:

            i)     Village Hall & Play Area: It was Resolved to provide from the precept, on
                   a 1/3 basis:   
                    – £150 towards the annual cost of the village defibrillator
                    – Up to £350 towards the actual annual cost of the village hall play area.
                   Proposed: NB   Seconded: KA   Votes: Unanimous         
            ii)    LED street lights: Maintenance contractor Acorn intends to resolve the
                   switching problem this week  
            iii)   Solar Panels on Listed Buildings/in Conservation Area: After discussion,
                   NB agreed to reply to Sir Richard Storey’s thoughtful letter, with the
                   sentiment that the PC shares his view and concerns
            iv)   Brook Farrn Barn incident: (for Mr Mitchell’s convenience, this item was
                   discussed out of sequence after his Open Forum presentation)
                   – After discussion, the meeting agreed to Minute that:
                   ‘Settrington Parish Council condemns any form of criminal activity within
                   the parish of Settrington’
                   – Mr Mitchell agreed to remove the short steel ‘posts’ from the verge
                   under his hedge

5.   Representation reports:

John Harrison– Neighbourhood Watch
Nick Bell– YLCA Branch Representative
– Quarry Liaison
Dean Wise– YLCA Branch Representative

No reports

6.    Planning:
            i)   No matters outstanding
 7.     AOB:
i)    Cllr Philip Marwood announced that, as he is moving to Malton, outside
                  the parish’s catchment area, he therefore regrettably has to resign his
                  membership of Settrington Parish Council.
                  The Chairman took the opportunity to express the Council’s thanks for
                  Phil’s considerable, enthusiastic almost 7 year contribution to the council.
            ii)   NB advised that the Blagden’s, who sadly are leaving the village, are
                  donating their salt-grit spreader and 8 bags of salt-grit to the PC, and
                  that Mrs Jane Ramsden has kindly agreed to house it
            iii)   Endorsed by members present, SF suggested that Settrington Estate
                  should be requested to repair the unsightly, potentially dangerous and
                  road blocking collapsing corner of  the Glebe House stable block
           iv)   NB proposed that a ‘tradition’ should be established of having a
                  Settrington Social gathering in the evening of the first Monday of the
                  month, on the brick bridge in ‘the summer’ and at the Ham & Cheese in
                  ‘the winter’.
                  The first such event will take place at the Ham and Cheese on Monday 4
                  December from 6.30 p.m. 
  There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.