Agenda for the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting to be held in the Village Hall (YO17 8NR) on Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 7p.m.

 Open Forum:
Where residents can raise issues for Parish Council consideration; max 3 minutes per resident’s presentation; forum limited to 15 minutes.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Minutes of Previous Meetings:
    – 13 May Annual Meeting
    – 13 May Ordinary Meeting
  3. Matters to be Discussed:

    a) Finance:
           i)    Current financial situation: Clerk/RFO to report
    b) Road Safety:
          i)     VAS:  SF to report
          ii)    Other measures: NB to report regarding whether:
                 a) encouraging traffic police interest is likely to have a positive effect
                 b) it would be possible to install a ‘gate’ near the Jubilee bench on the beckside to discourage green-laners.       iii)   30 mph speed limit roundels: Clerk to report
          iv)   Quarry Road.
    c) Village Estate Management:
          i)    Grass Cutting:
                 – Report on cutting regime
                 – Verges & Hedges: Status re trimming verges, overhanging hedges,pavements, visibility of road signs, etc.
          ii)    Beck Reeds: Spraying situation
          iii)   Back Lane cherry trees: Pruning situation

      d) Quarry
           i)     Mineral Rights for ex Parish Pit: Latest status
      e) Miscellaneous:
           i)      Website: Clerk to report situation
           ii)     New Road Hill: Situation re. Glebe House stable block’s gutter outfall            iii)    Electricity supply works: Review Northern Power Grid advance Notice
           iv)    Stepping Stones: Proposal to reinstate them
           v)     Quarry Road: Situation re. passing places
           vi)    Beckside land drain: NB to brief
           vii)   Lengthsman: Proposal to employ parttime
           viii)   Mill Footbridge: Proposal to creosote posts
           ix)    Cemetery: Wilding policy
           x)     Bridge Social Gathering: Reminder of 26 August event       
 5.   Representation reports:

John Harrison– Neighbourhood Watch
Nick Bell– YLCA Branch Representative
– Quarry Liaison
Dean Wise– YLCA Branch Representative

6.    Planning
7.    AOB

n.b. Anyone may attend the meeting (and speak, having first requested permission from the Council)
Next Meeting: 11 September Ordinary Meeting at 7p.m.

Bruce Skinner

Parish Clerk