Agenda for the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting to be held in the Village Hall (YO17 8NR) after the 7.15 p.m. Annual Meeting on Monday 13 May 2024

  1. Open Forum: Where residents can raise issues for Parish Council consideration; max 3 minutes per resident’s presentation; forum limited to 15 minutes.
  2. Apologies for Absence:
    i)  To receive and note apologies from councillors who are unable to attend the meeting.
    II) To consider reasons for absence provided by councillors who cannot attend and resolve the council’s acceptance of these if felt relevant.
  3. Minutes of Previous Meetings: EO Planning Meeting on 22 April 2024
  4. Matters to be Discussed:

    a) Finance:
          i)    Current financial situation: Clerk to report
    b) Road Safety:
          i)     VAS: SF to report on recent experience and plans for our next use of the
          ii)    Other measures: NB to report on his research into whether:
                 a) encouraging traffic police interest is likely to have a positive effect
                 b) it would be possible to install a ‘gate’ near the Jubilee bench
                     on the beckside to discourage green-laners.
          iii)   Speed limit painted on road: Consider possible PC funding of this
    c) Village Estate Management:
           i)   Grass Cutting: PS to report on latest situation                  
           ii)  Beck Management:
                 a) Brick Bridge: Reflect on experience of recent spate flow
                 b) Reeds: Review outcome of the first spraying  
           iii)  Back Lane cherry trees: Pruning situation              

      d) Quarry
             i)   Mineral Rights: Latest status                    
      e) Miscellaneous:
             i)    Website Designer/Host: Review Clerk’s recommended choice  
             ii)   Meetings venue: Discuss options
             iii)  New Road Hill: Gutter outfall  
 5.   Representation reports:

John Harrison– Neighbourhood Watch
Nick Bell– YLCA Branch Representative
– Quarry Liaison
Dean Wise– YLCA Branch Representative

6.    Planning: No applications outstanding
7.    AOB:
n.b. Anyone may attend the meeting (and speak, having first requested permission from the Council)

Next Meeting: 10 July Ordinary Meeting at 7p.m.