Agenda for Ordinary Parish Council Meeting to be held in the Village Hall (YO17 8NR) at 7p.m. on Thursday 14 March 2024

  1. Open Forum: Where residents can raise issues for Parish Council consideration; max 3 minutes per resident’s presentation; forum limited to 15 minutes.
  2. Apologies for Absence:
  3. Minutes of Previous Meetings: 10 January 2024 Ordinary Meeting
  4. Matters to be Discussed:
    a) Finance
           i)    Current financial situation review: Clerk/RFO to report         

    b) Road Safety:
           i)    VAS: SF to present his analysis of the last two sets of data
           ii)   Speed limit painted on road: Clerk to report on situation

     c) Village Estate Management:            
            i)    Grass Cutting Contract: Contract extension                   
            ii)   Beck Management:
                   a) Flood prevention: Chairman to report on the recent maintenance
                       exercise, i.e. removal of the encroached bank up’ and downstream of
                       the east arch         
                   b) Encroaching Reeds: Chairman to report on plans for spraying them                        
            iii)   Back Lane cherry trees: See Planning below – deadline is 13 March                    

      d) Quarry
            i)     Mineral Rights: Fenstone would like to secure the rights to extract the
                   underlying minerals from the parish-pit plot next to the site access
            ii)    Extension Application: Deadline for comment extended
      e) Miscellaneous:
            i)     Website: Decide how to replace the current arrangement                           
            ii)    Register of Interests: Clerk to report on response from cllrs
            iii)   Street Lights: Clerk to report on situation re. road bridge light
            iv)   Brick Bridge: Proposal to install planters on parapets 
 5.   Representation reports:

John Harrison– Neighbourhood Watch
Nick Bell– YLCA Branch Representative
– Quarry Liaison
Dean Wise– YLCA Branch Representative

6.    Planning:
             i)   Tree Works Application ZE24/0041/CAT: Prune 12 ornamental cherry trees on Back Lane to allow tractor clearance for mowing.

7.    AOB:            
n.b. Anyone may attend the meeting (and speak, having first requested permission from the Council)

Next Meeting: 15 May Ordinary Meeting after the 7p.m. Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting in the Village Hall